AI Avatar
Create studio-quality videos with AI avatars and voiceovers in over 130 languages, as simple as making a slide deck.
🎥 AI Avatar
The AI Avatar tool allows you to create high-quality videos featuring AI avatars with voiceovers. Choose from over 130 languages to make engaging, professional videos without the need for a camera or studio setup.
⚡ Create New Video
Click Create New Video to begin. The process is divided into two main sections: Avatar and Video.
1️⃣ Avatar
- Avatar Name: Select the avatar you wish to use for your video.
- Avatar Style: Choose between Rectangular or other available styles.
- Horizontal Align: Align the avatar to the Center or another preferred position.
- Background Color: Set the background color for your video (default is #8fd2d0).
2️⃣ Video
- Title: Enter the Title of the video that will appear on the share page.
- Description: Write a Description for the video, providing context for viewers.
- Visibility: Choose whether the video should be Public or Private.
- Video Background: Select a background for the video, such as Green Screen for more dynamic visuals.
- Script Text: Provide the Script that the AI avatar will use for text-to-voice generation.
- Test Status: Enable or disable the Test Status for previewing the video before generating.
Once you’ve set up the avatar and video details, click Generate Video to create your AI-powered video. The process will automatically generate the video, including the avatar’s voiceover.
⚡ Browse Your Created Videos
If you want to review or manage the videos you’ve already created, click Browse Videos. Here, you can access all your previously generated videos and make edits or updates as needed.
📝 Tips for Best Results
- Choose an Engaging Script: A well-written script is key to creating a compelling video with an AI avatar.
- Select the Right Avatar: Pick an avatar that aligns with the tone and theme of your video.
- Audio Clarity: Ensure your voiceover is clear for the best video quality.
Start creating professional AI-driven videos with AI Avatar today and revolutionize your video content! 🚀
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